Our Team
JDC - Luba Slome Team
The JDC ,former known as Luba SlomeLuba Slome Dental Center team.
JDC - Luba Slome Leadership
Dr. Isaac V. Perle, President and Founder
Dr. Perle graduated from the University of Pennsylvania in 1979 and has been running a private dental practice in Brookline, MA, since 1980. He has served on the faculty of both the Harvard School of Dental Medicine and the Forsyth Dental Center, and is currently serving as a mentor in Boston University's APEX program. Dr. Perle (with the help of former Jerusalem mayor Teddy Kollek and the South African Israel Appeal) founded the Luba Slome Dental Center in 1985 and has served as its president since. Dr. Perle is a member of the ADA, the Massachusetts Dental Association and the Alpha Omega International Dental Fraternity, as well as serving on the Boards of several prestigious philanthropic organizations.
Mrs. Liat Ben harrosh, CEO
Liat is an accountant by education. Serves as the clinic's CEO since 2018. Liat joined the JDC Dental Center in 2008, during her years working at the clinic she served as an reception manager, clinical coordinator, in charge of Meuhedet Health Insurance and medical secretary.
Luba Slome Team
Dr. Joshua Joseph Rubin DDS, Clinical Director
Dr. Rubin graduated at the Baltimore College of Dental Surgery, University of Maryland, as a DDS in 2002, And completed another degree in Advanced General Dentistry in 2004, he worked at the Oral Surgery Department at the Jackson Hospital, Miami, and as a private practice associate in a general practice office and in the John-Hopkins Medical Complex. Dr. Rubin joined the staff of the JDC Center at 2007.
Expertise: General Dentistry, Dentures, Root Canal, Implants, Aesthetics and Invisalign.
Dr. David Felbert DDS
Dr. Felbert graduated at the University of Copenhagen. he worked in the Department of Oral Maxillofacial Surgery in the Poriya Hospital in Tiberius and in the Department of Oral Medicine at the Hadassah University Hospital. Dr. Felbert joined the JDC Dental Center at 1995.
Expertise: General Dentistry, Dentures, Root Canal, Minor Oral Surgery, Implants, Surgical extractions, Aesthetics and Invisalign.
Dr. Howard Metz DMD
Dr. Metz graduated dentistry at the University of Pennsylvania. He has worked at the Elwyn Institute with mentally disabled patients, and with special needs children at the Eddie Shore kindergarten in Jerusalem. Dr. Metz joined the staff of the JDC Dental Center at 1993.
Expertise: Dental care for children, laughing gas ,General Dentistry, Preservative Dental Care and Aesthetics.
Dr. David Kallus - American Periodontist
Dr. Kallus - American Periodontist (Diplomat of the American Academy) Dr. Kallus graduate at UMDNJ for dental School, he earned a specialist periodontist degree at New York University, and joined the JDC Dental Center in 2010.
Expertise: Implants, Gum Surgery, Bone Grafts, Sinus Lift, Ridge Augmentation, Gingival graft, surgical extraction, Gingivectomy, root planning.
Dr. Nehama Roy DMD
Dr. Roy graduate at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. She joined the JDC Dental Center in 1993, She has nearly 30 years of experience in pediatric care
Expertise: Dental care for children, laughing gas, preservative treatments. Works with Maccabi and Meuhedet for children up to 18.
Dr. Jay Gottesman DDS
Dr. Gottesman, graduate at the Columbia University in New York. He joined the staff of the JDC Dental Center in 1994.
Expertise: General Dentistry, Preservative Dental Care, Dentures, Root Canal and Aesthetics
Dr. Harold Tzvi Bergstein DDS
Dr. Bergstein graduate at the University of Toronto. joined the staff of the JDC Dental Center in 2000. Dr. Bergstein has more than 34 years of experience in pediatric care.
Expertise: Dental care for children, laughing gas, general dentistry and Invisalign. Works with Maccabi and Meuhedet for children up to 18.
Dr. Alexander Zelidenov
Dr. Alexander Zelidenov Graduated from the Tate Medical Institute in Volgograd, Russia. Holds a Bachelor's and Master's degree with a certificate of Registered nurse. Worked as a dentist in private clinics in Israel and abroad since 2002 Joined the JDC Dental Clinic team in 2021
Expertise: General dentistry, Root canal treatments.
Dr. Lea Shlezinger
Dr. Lea Shlezinger graduated from the University of Jena in Germany. She worked as a dentist in a university hospital and in private dental practices. She specialized and received her doctorate in pediatric dentistry and nitrous oxide treatment. She joined the JDC Clinic team in 2024.
Expertise: Pediatric dentistry, Nitrous oxide treatment
Dr. Moshe Matthew Blum
Dr. Moshe Matthew Blum, graduated from M.I.T University in 1972 and NYU University of Dentistry in 1975. He has experience from a private clinic in Greenwich Village, New York from 1975-2008. Joined the JDC clinic team in 2020.
Expertise: general dentistry, focusing on oral rehabilitation, aesthetics and pain relief.
Dr. Leona Angelo-Orthodontist
Dr. Leona Angelo graduated from the in dentistry Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of Palermo Italy, He specialized in orthodontics in Palermo. Professor of Histology and Anatomy at the School of Dentistry in Palermo. He worked at King's College London in the Department of Craniofacial Development. Twenty-seven years of clinical experience in London, UK. Joined the JDC Dental Clinic team in 2023.
Expertise: General dentistry, orthodontics, surgery, implants, root canals, aesthetics and oral rehabilitation.
Leah Kolfsky-Hygienist
Leah Kolfsky, with a bachelor's degree in dental hygiene, graduated from John Abbott college in Montreal, Canada. She has been working in the field Since 2018, and joined the JDC clinic team in 2020.
Expertise: scale and sediment removal. Deep cleaning. root planning. Stain removal, oral hygiene instruction and maintaining oral health. Applying fluoride to strengthen the teeth.
Elisheva Dadon-Hygienist
Elisheva Dadon, who holds a bachelor's degree in dental hygiene from John Abbott College in Montreal, Canada in 2013. Worked in Canada for 5 years as a hygienist in the private sector, and joined the JDC clinic team from 2019. Experience in the field for over 10 years.
Expertise: scale and sediment removal. Deep cleaning. root planning. Stain removal, oral hygiene instruction and maintaining oral health. Applying fluoride to strengthen the teeth.
Batel Adri-
Batel Adri. Graduated from nursing studies at the College of Health Sciences in Ramat Gan. In the field of dentistry for 17 years, she joined the JDC dental clinic team in 2023.
Expertise: scale and sediment removal. Deep cleaning. root planning. Stain removal, oral hygiene instruction and maintaining oral health. Applying fluoride to strengthen the teeth.
In Memoriam:
Dr. David Black
Dr. David Black, a dedicated and beloved physician, dear friend, and loyal colleague, passed away after 35 years of devoted service to our clinic. Dr. Black was a highly knowledgeable and experienced physician who always put his patients first. He treated each patient with compassion, kindness, and professionalism, and was always available for them. David was loved by the entire clinic staff, and was always willing to help and assist.